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Swedish Gripens shadow Russian Tu-22Ms, Su-27s off its coast

Swedish Gripens shadow Russian Tu-22Ms, Su-27s off its coast

The Swedish Air Force dispatch its Gripen fighters to shadow two Russian Tu-22Ms and two Su-27s flying east of the island of Gotland on Aug. 31.

By Aktug Ates [GFDL 1.2 or GFDL 1.2], via Wikimedia Commons

“We are up there looking at things that are going on in our surroundings. It was not a violation of our airspace but we thought the planes looked like they could be of interest to us,” said press secretary Jesper Tengroth of the Swedish Armed Forces.

Source: Swedish Gripens shadow Russian Tu-22Ms, Su-27s off its coast

Thailand fired ESSM from its Chinese-made Type 053 frigate for first time

Thailand fired ESSM from its Chinese-made Type 053 frigate for first time

The Royal Thai Navy has successfully test fired its newly acquired Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM) from HTMS Naresuan during Exercise CARAT 2015 on Aug. 30.

Photos: Royal Thai Navy

The target drone was launched from USS German Town and the missile shot it down at a range of 9 nm.

Thailand bought nine ESSMs for its two Naresuan frigates in 2013. These missiles are housed in a MK 41 eight-cell vertical launch system using an MK 25 Quad Pack canister.
Saab was awarded a contract in 2011 to upgrade each ship with its 9LV MK4 combat management system, Sea Giraffe AMB radar, CEROS 200 fire control radar, EOS 500 electro-optics system and data link systems.
Source: Thailand fired ESSM from its Chinese-made Type 053 frigate for first time

Taiwan’s report on China military says it’ll declare ADIZ over South China Sea; building 2 aircraft carriers

Taiwan’s report on China military says it’ll declare ADIZ over South China Sea; building 2 aircraft carriers

Taiwan’s military submitted its latest report on China’s military to the legislative body today. The report said China will declare an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea once it has completed building its military facilities in the Spratly Islands.

By CIA. Cropped and Flags added by Estarapapax. (Central Intelligence Agency.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Source: Taiwan’s report on China military says it’ll declare ADIZ over South China Sea; building 2 aircraft carriers