Monthly Archives: June 2015

Kuwait interested in getting 24 H225Ms

Kuwait interested in getting 24 H225Ms

The French President Office released a statement saying that Kuwait is keen to purchase 24 H225M helicopters for the Kuwait Air Force.

By Arnaud Lambert (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The sale was discussed during a phone call between French President Francois Hollande and Emir of Kuwait, Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

Source: Kuwait interested in getting 24 H225Ms

Vermont ANG’s 158th Fighter Wing deploying to Japan

Vermont ANG’s 158th Fighter Wing deploying to Japan

Vermont Air National Guard will be deploying 10 F-16s to Okinawa, Japan. The unit said the deployment is to support the Pacific Command Theater Security Package

By U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. Robert Sabonis [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Source: Vermont ANG’s 158th Fighter Wing deploying to Japan

South Korea to buy three Aegis systems

South Korea to buy three Aegis systems

Seoul has been given the green light by the U.S. State Department for three Aegis combat systems and other associative equipment including three MK-41 Vertical Launching Systems.

By 대한민국 국군 Republic of Korea Armed Forces (2008년9월27일 해군 세종대왕함기동 (1)) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The Foreign Military Sale is expected to be cost around $1.91 billion.

Source: South Korea to buy three Aegis systems

Lebanon wants to buy A-29 Super Tucano via FMS

Lebanon wants to buy A-29 Super Tucano via FMS

The U.S. Congress has been notified of a potential sale of six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to Lebanon. The entire FMS packages is expected to cost around $462 million.

By USA Air Force [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The aircraft will be armed with the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon Systems. Two thousand rounds have been requested.

Source: Lebanon wants to buy A-29 Super Tucano via FMS

Airbus investigating if critical data was wiped out before fatal A400M flight

Airbus investigating if critical data was wiped out before fatal A400M flight

Investigators of the A400M crash in Spain are trying to determine if crucial data that ensures the smooth running of the turboprops were wiped out before the flight.

By Tim Felce (Airwolfhound) (A400M – RIAT 2010Uploaded by russavia) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia

Each engine has its own “torque calibration parameters” in order to ensure smooth operation. Pilots are warned of any issue with those data after the cargo plane is airborne at 400 ft.

Source: Airbus investigating if critical data was wiped out before fatal A400M flight