Monthly Archives: May 2015

MQ-8C Fire Scout completes developmental flight test

The MQ-8C will now proceed to operational flight tests later this year after completing its final developmental test flight on Apr. 29.

By U.S. Navy ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The rotocraft has completed 327 flights and logged over 450 hours since its maiden flight in October 2013.

Source: Alert 5

CO of VFA-151 fired he mistreated a sailor

The U.S. Navy has removed the commanding officer of VFA-151 from his post after concluding that he had mistreated a sailor.

By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jose Lopez Jr. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Cmdr. Kurt Bohlken was relieved by Rear Adm. Ron Boxall, commander, Carrier Strike Group 3, following an Admiral’s Mast proceeding on May 2.

Source: Alert 5

U.S. military aircraft arriving in Nepal

Four MV-22s have flown from Okinawa, Japan to Kathmandu, Nepal to assist in the earthquake relief efforts.

Photos: Bikram Rai

The Ospreys from VMM-262 are supported by three KC-130Js from VMGR-152. U.S. Air Force C-17s are flying in three UH-1Ys from HMLA-469 as well.

Source: Alert 5

Dutch mark 70th anniversary of Operation Manna

Hundreds of people gathered in Rotterdam on May 2 to mark the 70th anniversary of Operation Manna.

By Goodchild A (F/O) : Royal Air Force official photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

From Apr. 28 till May 7, 1945, the Royal Air Force utilized its bombers to drop nearly 7,000 tonnes of food over still-unliberated western part of the Netherlands.
The U.S. Army Air Forces joined the campaign from May 1-8 under Operation Chowhound.

Source: Alert 5

Launch of Kobalt-M on May 15 affected by Progress M-27M

Russia had plan to put a new Kobalt-M optical spy satellite into orbit on May 15 but that date is now under question due to the recent failure of Progress M-27M cargo ship.

By NASA/Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The spacecraft is suppose to be lifted into space by the same Soyuz-2.1a rocket.

Source: Alert 5

Photo of last RAF on Germany found

On May 2, 1945, the last air raid by the Royal Air Force on Germany was carried out and a photo capturing the historic day has been found.

Mosquito bombers of 608 squadron carried out the raid on the Baltic port of Kiel just six days before the end of the war in Europe.

Source: Alert 5